Excentrica is an auditioned chamber ensemble with a big, beautiful, resonant sound! We are looking for women with trained or trainable voices, solid choral background and/or exceptionally adaptable singing ability. Piano or other instrumental background, sight-reading skills and facility with singing in “singer’s” English, Latin, German, Italian, and French are an asset. We focus on styles from Renaissance to Contemporary art music, and anything else that we think will be lots of fun… including musical theatre, pop, folk, etc.
If you know that your voice is beautiful, but your sound may be too big or too “soloistic” to blend easily with lighter or smaller voices in a choral setting, this may be the group for you. We work toward an exquisite, beautiful, sensitive blend of outstanding voices and dynamic personalities. Solo opportunities are available to those interested and able.

Barbara Sadler Wells, M.Mus., founder and conductor
Excentrica was founded in 2002 as a vehicle for excellence in choral singing through an eclectic range of repertoire, from all musical periods and styles; from the sublimely simple to ridiculously complicated. Our mandate is also to explore and develop unique approaches to combined vocal solo and choral performances, and to include our audience in an impromptu performance of one piece at every concert. Excentrica also collaborates with male choruses and children’s choirs to explore a wider range of repertoire. The main concert is in the Spring, with some Christmas community outreach singing if singers are available, and possibly some private performing functions throughout the year for those interested.
We hold a women’s workshop chorus for those with less experience, who wish to develop classical vocal/choral expertise in a relaxed and friendly setting. Bring a friend!
Excentrica currently rehearses on Thursday evenings.
AUDITIONS are ongoing, and may be arranged by contacting 780-499-7889 or info@excentrica.ca.

Tee hee! We see you!